Sussex Police and the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner are inviting residents to complete the 2018 National Rural Crime Survey. It has been three years since the first National Rural Crime...
April 2018
It’s been a month since the builders moved on site for our new shop and we are making good progress.
There is so much to tell you about what we are up to - so do have a read of the Shop Committee's April Newsletter to find out the latest...
Thank you everyone who helped on Sunday!
Thank you to the volunteers from the village and from Worthing who helped on 15th April for the working day on Hesworth Common. The next working day there will be Sunday 27th...
Weekly events! Click to see
Weekly events (This is a general rule! Please check dates of activities, particularly during school holidays. Most contact numbers are in the Community - Clubs and Societies pages of this...
Bedham Lane Road Closure (between Upper Street and Wakestone Lane) from 30 April for 4 weeks
WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL (FITTLEWORTH: BEDHAM LANE) (TEMPORARY CLOSURE) ORDER 2018 NOTICE is hereby given that not less than seven days from the date of this notice, West Sussex County Council...
It’s all in a good cause! The shop build and other work near the shop site …
Thank you to everyone who has suffered in silence when they have come across mud, noise, or difficulty walking, parking or driving near the site of the new shop - or perhaps the old playground...
Fittleworth Speedwatch – the new name for our traffic action group!
To find information about traffic in Fittleworth and how you can help, please go to Our Community and click on Fittleworth Speedwatch or click...