The Novium Museum in Chichester is holding a space themed sleepover during the October half term holiday. Suitable for children aged 7-11. The fun starts at 7pm on 28 October. Children will take...
September 2017
Please help keep our village looking spotless
Our village generally looks very well kept thanks to our residents. Please could all dog owners make sure they clear up after their dogs - we have heard a comment that some are not always clearing...
Live Music Night – thank you to everyone who played or supported the shop
A new school year!
Fittleworth School term begins for children today (teachers have already returned to work - best wishes to children and staff!). Good luck to all the Fittleworth pupils moving on to new schools...
South Downs DFAS lecture on 6th Sept. will be on Armenian Culture and Monuments, not as in the Village Magazine, American Culture and Monuments