April 2019
Working party on Hesworth Common today! All welcome!
There will be a working party on Hesworth Common today at 10am at the top of Lower St car park. Please do come and join us if you can and help to keep our common healthy and beautiful - no tools or...
A Happy Easter everyone!
Weekly events – please click to see what’s on each week (but check to confirm and in holidays)
Weekly village events (This is a general rule! Please check dates of activities, particularly during school holidays - most have stopped during the Easter holiday and will resume from Tues. 23rd...
Westhampnett Waste Transfer Site Closure following fire– FAQ’s Sheet for CDC Residents
Q. Why is Westhampnett HWRS shut to public, what is happening? A. On Tuesday 2nd April a serious fire broke out inside the Transfer Station located at Westhampnett, the fire was fully extinguished...
NOTICE OF UNCONTESTED ELECTION Election of Parish Councillors for Fittleworth Parish Council on Thursday 2 May 2019 Diane Shepherd, being the Returning Officer for Chichester District...
STATEMENT OF PERSONS NOMINATED – Election of Parish Councillors for Fittleworth Parish Council
STATEMENT OF PERSONS NOMINATED Chichester District Council Election of Parish Councillors The link below shows the statement of the persons nominated for election as a Parish Councillor for...