
Nomination Packs for Fittleworth Parish Council Election now available

The documents required by candidates who wish to stand at the Parish Council election on 4 May 2023 are available from The Parish Clerk. Please email to request a pack either by email, or post.

Nomination papers can be submitted from 23 March 2023. The last day for receipt is 4pm on Tuesday, 4 April 2023. Completed papers MUST be hand delivered by this date to the Returning Officer, East Pallant House, 1 East Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1TY. Office opening hours are 9am-4pm Monday to Friday.

 Papers can be checked over informally if candidates wish before arrival and can be scanned (or photographed) before they are hand delivered. They should be emailed to to be checked. This will limit the amount of time needed to be at the office, however they are a very small team and will be dealing with around 650 nomination papers so please be patient.

 Electoral Commission Guidance is available for candidates –

Documents in the Nomination Pack

  • Nomination Forms, including Nomination Paper, Home Address Form, Candidates Consent to Nomination, Certificate of Authorisation (if a Party Candidate), Request for Party Emblem (if a Party Candidate) and Notification of Election Agent
  • Candidates expense limits
  • Parish council elections in England – Spending Return & notes
  • Factsheet on Imprints
  • Code of Practice – displaying election posters
  • Timetable
  • Notes for candidates


The CDC Elections team advise candidates to not leave it until the last couple of days to submit their papers as this gives them little chance to rectify any mistakes.