
Covid E Newsletter – Issue 28 May 2021 now available

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County, District & Community updates
Issue Date: 28 May 2021

1.COVID 19  Updates

  • Sussex/NHS COVID 19 Vaccination Update
  1. Fittleworth Parish Council news
  • Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 25th May via Zoom
  • Fittleworth Traffic Group
  1. Fittleworth StoresBank Holiday Opening times

    3. Chichester District Council

  • Chichester Local Plan Review
  • Government Business Gants
  • Roman Week returns next week
  • Careers Week
  1. WSCC – Volunteers’ Week

Sussex/NHS COVID 19 Vaccination Update



People aged 30 and above now eligible

As we reach this incredible milestone, a further age group has now become eligible.

Anyone aged 30 and above is now able to arrange their vaccination.


One million vaccinated in Sussex

Official figures released on Thursday 27 May 2021, show that one million people in Sussex have now received their Covid-19 vaccination.

This incredible milestone has been reached just 24 weeks into the vaccination programme.

Today’s data shows that 1,028,925 people had had their first vaccination by Sunday 23 May, and of those 677,497 have also had their second.

This means that 90% of our most vulnerable residents (those in the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation cohorts 1-9) have had their first vaccination, and 71% of these have now had both.


Fittleworth Parish Council news

Annual Parish Meeting
This took place on the 25th May via Zoom and a big thank you to all of you who attended, We hope you found it useful and informative.  For those of you who were unable to join us the  minutes, Financial Statement for 2020/21 and Chairs report are available on our website (click here) or else please contact Louise, our clerk to obtain copies.

Fittleworth Traffic Group
We have an active group concentrating on the traffic problems we face in Fittleworth of speed, noise and the need for traffic calming.

As part of our endeavours, we operate with the Community Speedwatch which is a national body run by the Police.  We have a small group of volunteers who operate the speed gun for Fittleworth but as you can imagine this requires quite a lot of time and man power and to make it work efficiently we need more help.  This is not too arduous but to join us for an hour or so every now and again would be most appreciated.  If you feel able to spare some time, please get in touch with us – by email to:

Fittleworth Stores

Opening hours over this forthcoming Bank Holiday weekend are as follows:

·         Saturday 29 May: 9am – 5pm (Post Office closes at 1pm)

·         Sunday 30 May: 9am – 2pm (Post Office closed)

·         Bank Holiday Monday 31 May: 9am – 2pm (Post Office closed)

Please note that there will be no deliveries of bread or fruit and veg on the Bank Holiday Monday

Chichester District Council

Chichester Local Plan Review 

The Local Plan Review will set out our vision for the future of the district’s economy; plan for transport and housing needs; look at how we can improve the lives of children and young people; consider the area’s environmental needs; support our health and wellbeing; and ensure that we continue to have a rich arts and cultural environment. You can keep up to date on all of this work by visiting: Chichester Local Plan Review .

If you missed our last newsletter, you can find it at: latest news. In it, you can read about the Local Plan Review timetable, which outlines when different pieces of work will be completed and sets out key dates for when people can provide us with further feedback. All previous issues of the newsletter can be viewed at: Sign up to the Local Plan Review email newsletter.

Government business grants close on 30 June 2021

We are urging local businesses to apply for the current Government coronavirus support grants if they haven’t done so already. This is really important, because they are due to close on 30 June 2021. If you own a business in the district, you can find out if you are eligible and apply by visiting:

Roman Week returns next week
The Novium Museum’s award winning ‘Chichester Roman Week’ is back for May half term. Starting on Monday 31 May and running until Saturday 5 June, the week brings a range of exciting events across the city and surrounding area. It launches with an immersive theatre experience, enabling guests to participate in an interactive journey around the museum. Other events include talks, guided tours, family activities, trails and workshops, delivered by the museum and a range of cultural organisations across the district. You can find out more by visiting: Please remember that some of these events may book up in advance. If you wish to visit the museum, advance booking is recommended. You can book your free admission online:

Careers Week 

Unpaid carers continue to face challenges because of the pandemic, with many taking on more caring responsibilities. Carers Week, coming up in June, is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, to highlight the challenges unpaid carers face, and to recognise the contributions they make to families and our local community. To tie in with this, the charity Carers Support have put together a programme of carer-focused workshops. Taking place during Carers Week, these workshops offer carers the opportunity to:

  • learn something new or improve knowledge,
  • virtually meet others in a similar situation and have a chance to socialise, and
  • have a break from caring roles.

A majority of these are online classes, but if you are able, there are also picnics taking place at Parham House in Pulborough, Swanbourne Lake in Arundel and a coastal walk starting in Ferring.

Carers can book their place on a webinar or find out more information at: For more information, call: 0300 028 8888 or email:



Volunteers’ Week – a time to say thanks

Volunteers’ Week  starts next Tuesday (1 June), recognising the importance of volunteers and the work they do and also giving them a great big ‘thank you’ for all their efforts.
The county council has more than 900 volunteers who give their time to deliver services and support to people across the county.
In March, we surveyed our volunteers to get their feedback and they told us:

  • Nearly 80% have been involved with the council for over three years, with nearly 50% of those having volunteered at the council for five years or more
  • 96% were either satisfied or very satisfied with their volunteer experience
  • The top two reasons given for volunteering with the county council were ‘to make a difference in their local community’ and ‘for a sense of personal satisfaction and achievement’
  • The recognition they valued most was a ‘thank you’.

There are many volunteering opportunities available at the county council. Visit our website using the link below or email to find out more.