Council warns against bonfires during coronavirus outbreak
People are being urged not to light bonfires in the Chichester District in order to protect the health of others during the coronavirus crisis. Since the beginning of the outbreak, Chichester District Council has seen an increase in reports of residents burning garden and general waste at their properties.
Smoke and smells from bonfires can aggravate respiratory problems, which people with virus symptoms may be experiencing. Please do not burn your garden waste, or any other waste, and be mindful of your neighbours and local community who may be spending time in their gardens during the lockdown.
Residents who are affected by smoke from bonfires should report this to the council’s Environmental Protection team and provide as much information as possible, such as an address; the time of the bonfire; an indication of the items being burnt; and the duration and frequency of the bonfire. People can report bonfires on the council’s website at:
The council has various enforcement options for dealing with bonfires, including fixed penalty notices of £100 and nuisance abatement notices.
Green/ Red and Black bin collections
CDC are prioritising domestic waste (black bins) and recycling (burgundy bins), but are currently running a full green waste service as well.
There may be occasions when CDC cannot reach everyone. If they miss your bin, please keep hold of your waste and place your bin out on your next fortnightly collection day. If you have any excess waste as a result of a missed collection, you can put this in a bag and place it next to your bin.
CDC will be doing our best to keep our Garden Recycling service going. However, CDC must treat domestic waste and recycling as the priority so it is possible that there may be disruption to Gardening Recycling rounds. If CDC are unable to collect your bin, please keep hold of it and present it on your next normal collection day.