
Community Shop Planning Application – How to lodge your comments online!

It has been mentioned that it is not entirely easy to navigate the South Downs National Park Authority website to lodge a comment on a planning application.

So, if you would like to lodge a comment of support or objection on the community shop and cafe planning application online and you are having difficulties doing so, here is a quick “how to” guide.  It only takes a few minutes.

First, you will need to register your details with the South Downs National Park Authority.  Here is the link to the registration page:

On the registration page you enter your email address and create a password.   You will then be asked to input your postal address.  Once done an email is automatically sent to your email account which you will need to open and then click on the link in the email to activate your registration.

Once registered you need to navigate to the community shop and cafe application to lodge your comment.  You can either do this through searching on “Fittleworth” through the search function on the online search function at the planning portal or you can simply click on this link to take you straight to the page


Once you have identified the community shop application you will need to click on the “comments” tab and you will then see you are given an option to “make a comment”

Any difficulties then any member of the shop committee is happy to help – our contact details are on the community shop page of this website