Office closure over festive period

Our Office is now closed until Monday 3rd January 2023. If you need to contact the Parish Council in an emergency, please contact one of our Councillors, Council Members – Fittleworth Community...

Report a problem with a road or pavement

Please Note: West Sussex County Council has changed the process for reporting road & pavement issues. If you have bookmarked or saved the Love West Sussex web URL or App to your device then...

PCC Policing Priority Survey

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne is asking residents to share their thoughts on policing priorities and the precept element of the 2023/24 Sussex Police budget in this survey....

WSCC Library Service Chatterbox Group

During the last few months we have started a group called Chatterbox which is aimed at Primary aged children with English as a second language. We would really appreciate it if you could help us...

Alan Thornhill Sculpture

The estate of the late Alan Thornhill, the renowned artist who grew in Fittleworth, have donated a sculpture to the village. The Parish Council have considered possible locations for the work, and...

Launching the New Grant Application Process

The Council has decided to make the giving of Grants to local causes and charities a fairer and more open process. Historically, the Parish Council has awarded grants of around £900, to a number of...